Wednesday, August 3, 2011

You Know You’re Going Into Work Early When…

July 18, 2011 by spellingqueen25

You know you're going into work early when:

the streetlights are
still on.

all of the signal lights on the principal road are green.

something flies by way of a tree and it could possibly be either a bird or a bat.

your commute takes half
so long as it generally would.

there is only one lane open in the 24-hour grocery store.

there are far more workers than buyers.

I doesn't take the deductive powers of Sherlock Holmes to
tell you I'm not a morning individual. Becoming at function by 6am right now did not make me a happy person. But I was done at 11:30 and I've tomorrow and Wednesday off so I shouldn??'complain. I'm going to complain anyway, but at the very least I know I shouldn't! Does that count for something?


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